TLC's COVID Relief Fund

We are so thankful for the generous donations we have received for TLC's COVID relief fund. We have currently raised $17,000, which is being used to help 250 TLC families who were already at risk. This pandemic has caused the cost of food to soar, sources of income to disappear, and left many feeling hopeless. The threat of starvation is real.
But God is providing and being glorified.  
In a recent update email, Ayele, TLC Director, wrote, “I receive testimonies not only from TLC beneficiaries, but also the community praising God and giving thanks for how TLC is reaching the poor in this dark time. Let God take the full glory! I recently heard one mother say, 'TLC is a pillar for the poor.' I say, God is the pillar for TLC! His true light is shining upon our day to day ministry.”


TLC's day-to-day ministry during this pandemic has included food distribution to each of our children's families. One recipient of this food support is Sherif, the father of 2 children. He works as an evangelist at a local church and receives very little income, which is not enough to meet the needs of his family.  
Since his children are not in school due to COVID-19, like many TLC parents, Sherif is unable to provide enough food for them. He said, "Before we received the wheat, rice, and other food from TLC, it was horrifying to hear our children cry and ask for food to eat. My wife and I are now full of joy because we have food we can prepare when our children are hungry. This relief is helping us make it through the hardest times."  


One of the greatest joys we have witnessed in this crisis has been how some TLC mothers are sharing the food they are being given. Zenet, a single mother whose husband passed away, has watched as her small business has dwindled to nothing since the pandemic hit. When Zenet received the food from TLC, she shared it with her friend who was also in desperate need. When asked why she was willing to share when she was in such great need, she replied, "I learned sharing after I became a part of TLC and heard the Gospel taught."  

God is multiplying these gifts and using them for the work of His kingdom.

The cost to continue these additional food distributions through June is approximately $10,000.

If you are interested in giving toward TLC's Emergency Relief Fund, you can visit our website, give directly via VENMO to @truelightchildcare, or email Anna Worley at


For more up-to-date information about current needs, ministry, and work of TLC, follow us on Instagram or Facebook.  

Heather Hornbeak